To register for one of these courses, click on the link below for more information.
Year one
BI 100 Hermeneutics
Introduction to Bible Study A study of the basic principles of hermeneutics and methods of Bible study. The course is designed to give the new student a solid foundation for the coming four years of intensive Bible study. The course presents the Bible as literature as well as the inspired Word of God with emphasis on the importance of textual and historical context in interpreting biblical passages.
BI 102 New Testament Survey
This course provides an overview of the New Testament, with a brief introduction to each of the 27 books of the Protestant canon, and a concise summary of their contents, enabling the learner to correctly relate the parts of the New Testament to each other, and to the Old Testament. The module allows the learners to enrich their knowledge of the Bible and their ability to read each part intelligently, with an understanding of the context in which each book occurs and of how doctrine evolved gradually over the centuries. Armed with this knowledge students are able to develop their ability to relate the Bible and its contents to daily life and to Christian wit
RS 101 Christian Foundations
This course explores in detail the fundamental foundations of the Christian belief. Orthodox Christian truths will be taught in detail. Some of the doctrines that will be studied include: prayer, the gifts of the spirit, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, being born again, sanctification, salvation, the blood of Christ, the great day of judgment, the resurrection, etc. In our day, there are many false and misleading doctrines being taught. Having a strong foundation in Biblical doctrine is very important for the Christian believer.
RS 103 Intro. to Communication, Evangelism
The core of this course is practical training in the philosophy and methods of soul winning, visitation, discipleship follow-up and evangelistic outreach including signs and wonders. The great commission was made by Christ for all believers. The focus of the Christian life is multiplication. The course goals are to more clearly understand and identify the central theme of the Gospel and the motivation behind it and also to better understand the obstacles to witnessing. This course will help you engage in the work of the ministry
GE 103 English Composition
The ability to communicate effectively, both in oral and written form is studied in this course. Emphasis on proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. is reviewed from a Biblical perspective. The ability to communicate effectively, both in oral and written form is studied in this course. Emphasis on proper grammar, sentence structure, etc. is reviewed from a Biblical perspective.
BI 109: The Book of Matthew
This course is based upon the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew, a former despised tax collector, penned the gospel that bears his name. He addressed the deteriorating state of the church and set out to bring correction to disillusioned, wayward and overconfident believers. Matthew left his readers a true meaning of: righteousness of the gospel, the standard of discipleship, the reason for the Lord’s delay in returning. This message is applicable for the church in every generation in all lands.
RS 106 Principles and Power of Prayer
To show the vital contribution of prayer in developing the whole person mentally, physically, and spiritually. A study is made of both Old Testament and New Testament prayer life, with special emphasis on the prayer life of Jesus and the early church. This approach helps the student to realize how prayer becomes a resident creative force in Christian living.
PC 100 Servanthood, The Ministry of Helps
The church now needs a people who are supporting and strengthening their local churches. This is not a time to be self-absorbed and self-serving, but a time to do our part to strengthen the body of Christ. This course will teach what the Bible says about servanthood and church involvement with the goal of strengthening the church core and giving a greater sense of urgency to the believer to operate in the church according to God’s will.
BI 201 The Gospel of John
In the Gospels are found the pictures of Jesus Christ; His life and ministry. In the Gospel of John the very heart and mind of God is expressed in Christ. This is essential teaching for the Bible student.
RS 111 The Kingdom of Heaven
This course deals with the concepts of living by the laws and principles of the Kingdom of God. There is a universal Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God exists today, and there is a literal Kingdom of God that is yet to come (which will inhabit the earth during the final things to come concerning this earth and mankind).
Year Two
BI 101 The Old Testament
The Old Testament covenant is more than historical pre-text to the New Testament. It contains numerous themes of importance in our Christian walk. A thorough examination of the theology of the Old Testament and its present applicability is explored.
BI 103 The Pentateuch
The foundation for the revelation of God and his dealings with man throughout the Old and New Testaments are found in the Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses. In these books we see the unity and authority of the Bible which always points forward to the Savior.
BI 205 Interpreting Signs and Symbols
Much of the worship and doctrine of the church taught in the New Testament refer to Old Testament scripture. A comprehensive study of the types and shadows found in Old Testament scriptures are foundational. In God’s perfect timing and way he has always revealed that He is/was coming to accomplish His perfect work.
BI 202 The Book of Acts
A study of the origin of the church and the continued ministry of Jesus through His disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit. The birth of the New Testament Church is given chronologically in the Acts of the apostles. God has a plan and purpose to understand the birth of the church by the Holy Spirit.
ED 101 Principles of Teaching
The Bible teaches the importance of teaching. Most of the ministry of Jesus consisted of teaching. In order to fulfill the Great Commission, the ministerial student must be well prepared to teach and to teach others to teach. The emphases of this class are the principles of organization and presentation of material for use in Sunday School, adult education, home fellowship, and other church related environments.
BI 203 The Book of Romans
This course focuses on the book of Romans and the doctrines presented therein. Topics of study include justification, sanctification, glorification, etc. Becoming spiritually alive and living in the spirit are the main themes of the studies that are found in this book.
RS 212 Homiletics
This course focuses on the fundamental methods of sermon preparation (emphasizing structure and delivery). The student will be able to create a sermon outline and deliver a sermon from their notes.
New Courses Coming Soon . . .